St Spyridon's has been Greek Orthodox since 1964 and was built by J.J. Scoles in 1831-33 with the aid of a parliamentary grant at a cost of £7,735.00 and was described by Pevsner as being large and uncommonly dull.
The west tower has paired lancets to the bell tower and the pinnacles were removed in 1860.
The church was first inspected in July 2010 and as a consequence of this an application was made to English Heritage in September of that year and a grant awarded in 2012 after reducing the scope of the works which included internal works to the tower and re-leading of the north and south chancel windows. The repair work was completed in 2013.
The grant offer letter dated 25th March 2011 included a report by English Heritage advising that the church was now in need of a major overhaul and recommended that a plan for repairing the fabric over the next ten tears was established.
St Spyridon's has been Greek Orthodox since 1964 and was built by J.J. Scoles in 1831-33 with the aid of a parliamentary grant at a cost of £7,735.00 and was described by Pevsner as being large and uncommonly dull.
Work included reconstruction of the tower roof, stonework repairs to upper stages of walls, bell chamber sound openings and buttresses, re-leading upper silence chamber windows and replacement of stone louvres with oak and repainting of clock dial and overhaul of clock.t
St Spyridon's received a first round grant from the heritage Lottery fund in June 2016, to undertake investigation, carry out monitoring and research work, to develop specifications, drawings and schedule of work for the main repair work. Tenders were invited in March 2017, and works commenced in March 2018 after confirmation of a Second Round grant from the Heritage lottery Fund and a reduction in the scope of this work.
Works included :
The re-slating of the south aisle roof, re-pointing of brickwork, repair of stonework, re-leading of nave dormer and chancel north and south windows, reconstruction of north nave and north aisle parapet gutters and renewal of UPVC downpipes with cast iron.
The final phase of the ten year plan came to a halt just before the pandemic and is on hold for the present time.

Dinner dances
The community has organised a number of big dinner dance events to raise money for the church over the past years. These came to a standstill following the pandemic, however, we hope to re-start these from 2023 onwards. The most recent Dinner Dance took place in October 2023, pictures on Recent Events.
Through the prayers of our Holy Patron Saint Spyridon the Wonder Worker, Phase 1 of works to the interior of our church is now underway and nearing completion.
This involves repair to the collapsed and defective section of the ceiling at the west end of the nave, the removal of pigeon guano and strengthening of the ceiling above the gallery and redecoration of the west wall.

Community meals
The church committee regularly arranges luncheons, barbeques and lenten meals (during the fasting period) for the community to enjoy fellowship after church servises.